Holistic fertility support:
reignite joy and accelerate your path to parenthood.

with Sofia da Silva, 
Medical Intuitive & Spiritual Coach

In person - Auckland, NZ   |  Online - worldwide

Maybe you’re trying to get pregnant and:

  • Feeling overwhelmed by the emotional toll of your fertility journey.

  • Sensing there’s more to your healing, and wanting to address hidden causes affecting your fertility.

  • Feeling stressed or anxious about conceiving and eager for relief.

  • Seeking a holistic approach to boost your fertility that complements conventional and natural treatments.

Ready to move from a place of feeling defeated and heartbroken to one of confidence with newfound clarity?

If only you could gain insight on how to achieve your fertility goals and a roadmap to guide your journey step by step.

So, you can stop feeling overwhelmed and start moving forward confidently on your path to motherhood.

Excitingly, it's within your reach!

With my personalised support and holistic approach, you can take the first step towards a smoother, more harmonious journey to conception and pregnancy.

Hi, I’m Sofia - a medical intuitive and spiritual fertility coach.

I've felt the heartache, stress, and complete confusion of dealing with infertility. I intimately understand the struggles you're facing. I've experienced the highs and lows, the uncertainties, and the emotional toll it can take. Enduring two miscarriages was incredibly challenging, with one being particularly traumatic on a physical level.

Trying for a baby was tough. Doctors assured me everything was fine, but deep down, I knew something was off. I struggled as everyone around me was having babies and I stopped going to baby showers and catch ups.

A key moment came when I started prioritising my mental well-being, and embracing self-care, making a huge difference in my journey. Even my husband remarked afterward, 'How come you didn’t go nuts?"

Spiritual healing is my go-to for health issues, pinpointing hidden root causes and shifting beliefs and blocks. Despite feeling endless, I believe my fertility journey would've been longer without it.

It also brought clarity to a persistent question: where did my babies go?

You deserve to be in control of your fertility journey and get your sparkle back. To feel grounded, hopeful and invigorated. To align with your body and achieve your dream of fertility success.

And I’m here to guide you toward making that happen.

My clients navigating infertility challenges often feel like something vital is missing in their healing journey — a holistic approach that integrates mind, body, and spirit.

They understand that every fertility journey is unique and recognise the value in seeking support from a select few practitioners across various modalities. By assembling a tailored team of experts, each addressing different aspects of healing, they create a holistic approach customised to their specific needs.

No one should have to endure the emotional toll, or feel isolated, defeated, hopeless or drained while working through infertility.

Imagine what your life would be like

If you could:

  • Gain clarity on the key areas of focus that will support you to achieve your dreams of fertility success.

  • Have the confidence and belief to trust in your body's ability to conceive.

  • Have holistic systems in place that prioritise your well-being and optimise your chances of a healthy pregnancy..

  • Work in a harmonious, productive, and nurturing way.

This and more is possible when you approach your fertility from a holistic perspective healing mind, body and spirit tailored to your unique needs.

And the exciting news? This is what awaits you in the Illuminate Fertility Program—a compassionate, comprehensive approach designed to guide you joyfully towards your dream of motherhood.

Medical intuition and healing not only complement other healthcare practices but also open up healing pathways, enhancing the effectiveness and success of these practices.

By nurturing your emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being, you can optimise fertility success.

Spiritual fertility coaching is like having a personalised fertility roadmap, uncovering the root causes of challenges to guide your journey.

Picture it as your fertility compass, navigating your mind, body, and spirit towards optimal fertility and well-being.

Our sessions focus on tapping into your body's energy, interpreting its messages, and guiding you towards holistic wellness.

We delve into the underlying factors such as stored stress, energy blocks, limiting beliefs, relationship dynamics, or past emotional wounds that may impact your fertility journey. Using this insight, we tailor our approach to support your healing and well-being.

“My journey to motherhood was really tough. I felt super lonely watching all my friends having babies while I struggled with miscarriages. It was like this endless cycle of sadness and isolation. Then I met Sofia. She guided me through the process, helping me address what needed healing before I could welcome this little miracle into my life. I don't know if I could have got here without her unwavering support and guidance. Sofia is truly my angel.”


Spiritual Fertility Coaching Program

A 12-week fertility program to provide you with the clarity, confidence and compassionate support you need to accelerate, guide, and light your pathway to motherhood.

Revitalise your fertility

Here are the three pillars we'll focus on together:

Insightful Support

Receive personalised insights, to identify blocks and highlight areas needing healing, to guide you with renewed hope and clarity.

Fertility Mastery

Embrace your fertility potential with confidence and ease, reclaiming control over your path to parenthood.

Emotional Nourishment

Stay grounded and hopeful with compassionate support knowing you're not alone through your fertility struggles.

Illuminate - Spiritual Fertility Coaching Program

What’s Included:

  • 90-Minute Deep Dive Session: Gain clarity with a medical intuitive reading and healing.

  • 5 x 1:1 Healing Sessions: Bi-weekly one-hour sessions, including medical intuitive readings, healing, and spirit baby communication.

  • 6 x Online Learning Modules: Bi-weekly videos with supporting worksheets.

  • Unlimited Email Support: For emotional nourishment and guidance.

  • Fertility Resources: Including recipes, breath work, recommended reading, mindfulness practices, self-care exercises.

  • Weekly Check-In Sheet: Track progress and identify areas to focus on.

  • BONUS: Recorded meditations, journal prompts, and affirmations.

NZD $1497

Or choose a payment plan:
Three monthly installments of $550 NZD (totaling $1,650 NZD).

What to expect in a session

During our 1:1 sessions, whether in-person or via Zoom, your comfort is my top priority. You have the flexibility to choose between sitting or lying down (just be sure to stay awake to fully enjoy the experience!).

Here's what a typical session looks like:


I prioritise creating a respectful and safe environment, always seeking your permission before we begin. Once you're comfortable, we'll engage in some relaxing breathing or grounding techniques to help your body enter a calm, healing state.

Intuitive reading

During this phase, I'll tune into your physical and energetic state, providing valuable insights into your overall well-being. It's like taking a deep dive into your energetic wellness. This initial phase typically takes about 10-15 minutes.

The information I receive will resonate with you. I often hear my clients say, “I thought so,” or “that makes complete sense.”

Intuitive healing

Then the process gently unfolds into the healing phase. Spirit baby communication is a beautiful aspect of this approach, allowing you to connect with your spirit baby and receive the messages necessary to guide you toward fertility. Intuitive healing is a serene and transformative modality; many clients describe feeling light and calm afterward. We heal without revisiting trauma, making this process deeply restorative. Lasting around 30-40 minutes, this part results in a profound sense of calm and relaxation. Throughout, we work on releasing emotional and energetic blocks that may be hindering your wellness, giving you a sense of clarity and renewal, as if weights have been gently lifted away.


You are the most important player in your own healing, and to ensure continued progress, I provide you with activities or exercises to do at home (which my clients love to do). These could include mindful practices or empowering exercises or meditations tailored to support you on your healing journey. .

“Sofia has helped me for about 18 months. Sofia has helped me make dramatic changes both physically and emotionally. She is amazingly intuitive and has an incredible range of strategies to help you work through what you need to heal. She has warmth and kindness about her, and I absolutely love our sessions.”


This program is for you if:

  • You feel obsessed with getting pregnant: If trying to conceive dominates your thoughts and affects your daily life, this program offers a balanced approach to regain control and peace of mind.

  • You’re on an emotional rollercoaster: The ups and downs of your fertility journey leave you feeling drained and uncertain. We provide the support to navigate these emotions and find stability.

  • If you're going through IVF treatment: This can be an emotional time and also put strain on your relationships. Our program offers the emotional nourishment to support you, helping you feel calm and allowing you to manage your daily life, whether that involves holding down a job or caring for your other children.

  • You're feeling isolated and alone, especially after experiencing pregnancy loss: If you're struggling with feelings of isolation and lack of support, our program provides a supportive community and compassionate guidance to help you feel connected and understood, especially during such a challenging time.

  • You're experiencing guilt or shame: If you're grappling with feelings of guilt or shame about your fertility challenges, our program offers a non-judgmental space to process these emotions and move forward with self-compassion.

  • You’ve lost your spark and want to feel like your old self: If the stress and struggle have dulled your joy and enthusiasm for life, we help you rediscover your vitality and happiness.

  • Your relationship is suffering or strained: If the pressures of fertility challenges are impacting your relationship, our program supports you in reconnecting and strengthening your bond.

  • You tired of throwing money at different approaches without seeing results: If you're experiencing setbacks despite investing in various methods, our program offers a comprehensive and personalised approach to address underlying factors and improve outcomes..

  • You're open to spiritual work and feel it's the missing element from your fertility journey so far. If you believe in the transformative power of healing the mind, body, and spirit, this program is for you. It can serve as the powerful missing piece, enhancing your journey with profound healing.

This program is not for you if:

  • You're not open to healing mind/body/spirit: Our holistic approach integrates emotional, physical, and spiritual healing. If this isn't comfortable for you, this program might not be the best fit.

  • You're unwilling to put in the work: Progress here requires dedication to personal growth and openness to change. If you're not ready to commit, desired results might be difficult to achieve.

  • You prefer conventional methods only: If you're strictly adherent to traditional methods without openness to alternative practices, our holistic approach might not resonate with you.

  • You're seeking a one-size-fits-all solution: Our program is personalised, f you prefer a standardised approach, this might not be suitable.

  • You're looking for a passive experience: This program requires active participation and engagement. If you're not willing to actively participate, you might not benefit fully.

  • You expect guaranteed outcomes without acknowledging the complexities of the fertility journey: Our program supports you through the ups and downs of the journey, emphasising progress over perfection.

  • You have severe mental health issues needing specialised treatment: While we provide emotional support, our program isn't a substitute for professional mental health care for severe conditions.

Let's turn your dream into reality

I understand that trying to start a family can be a deeply emotional and sometimes difficult experience, which is why I offer this beautiful program, specifically designed to accelerate your dream to motherhood.

As your dedicated guide and medical intuitive,, I am here to offer compassionate support. Together, we’ll not only identify but also explore and heal the root causes of any challenges that might be hindering your journey toward conception and optimal reproductive health.

If this sounds like a perfect fit for you, let's schedule a complimentary 30-minute call to explore how we can work together. Your story is unique, and I’m honored to be part of it."


  • No, medical intuition is not meant to replace traditional medical care. Instead, it serves as a complementary tool providing additional insights. It offers a holistic healthcare approach that addresses physical and non-physical factors when used alongside conventional treatments. Always consult with your healthcare provider when making decisions about your health.

  • Medical intuition is a healing modality that taps into the body's energy and innate healing abilities. A medical intuitive practitioner perceives information about your health and well-being, identifying underlying causes of illness that impact your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. And following this, healing and energy work to release whatever is holding you back or causing your symptoms which will promote healing in the body in a long-lasting way. Medical intuition and healing offer a holistic approach to wellness, focusing on the root cause, not just symptoms.

  • While I wish I could give such a guarantee, it's a promise that no one can make. Not even IVF can make such a promise as it would be unethical to do so. However, I can assure you that committing to our 12-week program will lead to transformative changes. Together, we'll not only enhance your fertility but also positively impact your overall well-being. Our program instills optimism and hope, balances your body, mind, and spirit, reignites your spark, and helps you rediscover joy while healing relationships along the way.

  • It's natural to feel hesitant about spending money on yourself, especially when it comes to emotional support. Many people invest thousands in fertility treatments without guaranteed results, often overlooking the crucial aspect of emotional health. Research indicates that mind-body programs can enhance fertility by over 50%. Investing in this kind of support not only boosts your chances but also nurtures your overall well-being. Remember, taking care of yourself is a worthwhile investment—and so are you!

  • Medical intuition is ideal for anyone seeking a holistic approach that explores mind, body, and spirit. Through our program, we'll uncover and address the root causes of your fertility challenges, tailoring the experience to your specific issues, goals, and needs.

    This personalized approach ensures deep insights and support focused on your unique requirements, making it a perfect fit for those seeking holistic wellness and lasting healing.