Enhancing your wellness: How a Medical Intuitive works.

A medical intuitive focuses on understanding the messages your body communicates. They interpret the energy within and around you, which holds a wealth of information—from your physical structures to your energetic field. A medical intuitive’s role is to use their intuitive abilities to listen to and interpret these messages, providing you with valuable insights. The beauty of this modality is that each session is highly personalised.

The role of a Medical Intuitive

Medical intuitives use their heightened perception to sense these energetic disturbances and provide insights into their origins. This can involve:

  • Identifying emotional or mental patterns: Unresolved emotions or negative thought patterns can create energetic blockages.

  • Detecting spiritual disconnections: A lack of alignment with one's spiritual path or purpose can manifest as physical issues.

  • Recognising environmental or lifestyle factors: External influences, such as stress or toxic environments, can affect our energy field. By addressing these underlying energetic issues, medical intuition aims to restore balance and harmony, supporting the body's natural healing processes.

How does a Medical Intuitive work?

  • Assessment: The healer identifies energy blocks and imbalances in the client’s body, often manifested as physical symptoms or illnesses. This can be particularly helpful for those facing fertility challenges, as energetic imbalances can affect reproductive health.

  • Insight: By uncovering the root causes (which may include suppressed emotions, past traumas, environmental factors, or other influences), the healer gains valuable insights into what’s hindering optimal health.

  • The Healing Process: With this understanding, the healer assists the client in releasing these blocks, initiating a beautiful process of healing and renewal. Awareness is the first step: recognising what is blocking us, whether it’s emotions, past traumas, or physical manifestations. Once these blocks are identified, the healing process can begin. We are powerful beings, capable of both creating illness and healing ourselves.

Understanding intuition

Intuition is the subtle and profound way we receive information from both the physical and non-physical realms. It manifests in various forms, such as a gut feeling, a sudden insight, a vivid dream, or an inner knowing. Intuition is the art of noticing and tuning into these signals, guiding us towards deeper understanding and awareness

Complementing other healing modalities

Medical intuition works seamlessly alongside other modalities and therapies. It often acts as a catalyst, opening up healing pathways that enhance the effectiveness of other treatments. This integrative approach ensures a more thorough and holistic healing experience. Whether you are dealing with chronic health issues, emotional imbalances, or fertility concerns, the insights gained from medical intuition can provide a deeper understanding and a more comprehensive approach to healing..

The science behind medical intuition

Modern science acknowledges the profound impact of thoughts and emotions on physical health. Stress and negative emotions are linked to various health issues, while positive emotions and a calm mind can promote better health. A striking example is Broken Heart Syndrome (Takotsubo cardiomyopathy), where severe emotional shock or trauma can lead to heart attack-like symptoms. This condition highlights the strong connection between emotional and physical health.

Research in psychoneuroimmunology also shows how stress affects the immune system, making us more prone to illness. Conversely, practices that enhance emotional well-being, like mindfulness, improve immune function and overall health.

For women facing fertility challenges, stress and emotional imbalances can have a significant impact on reproductive health. Studies have shown that high stress levels can interfere with hormonal balance and ovulation, making it harder to conceive. By addressing the emotional and mental aspects of fertility through medical intuition, it is possible to create a more conducive environment for conception and overall reproductive health.

These scientific insights support the principles of medical intuition, which addresses the interplay of mind, body, and spirit to uncover root causes of physical ailments and promote holistic healing.

Unlock deeper healing with medical intuition

If you’ve tried a few different treatments without much improvement, medical intuition might be the missing piece of the puzzle. By exploring and addressing the deeper, often overlooked aspects of your health, medical intuition can provide insights and healing that modern methods may miss.

Are you interested in exploring the potential of medical intuition? Whether you have unresolved health issues, fertility concerns, or simply want to improve your well-being, I’m here to help. Let’s work together to uncover the missing piece in your wellness puzzle

Get in touch today to schedule a free connection call and start feeling like you’re in control again.

Sofia da Silva

Hello, I’m Sofia da Silva, a compassionate Medical Intuitive dedicated to supporting women's health journeys, particularly in the realm of fertility. Through intuitive readings and spiritual coaching, I provide personalised insights and holistic healing, guiding you towards wellness and wholeness.


What is Medical Intuition? Dive Deeper into your Well-being with Holistic Healing.